Design Thinking

The design is a tangled process built to achieve a better realization of an object or a product. Design thinking is a problem-solving way to think about design, it is a method to solve problems and satisfy as much as possible the client.

When your goal is to realize something that will solve a problem, or will change the way of how we act, everyone should start from discovering and watch what is around, what people need and what the society needs

Design Thinking anchorage people to explore alternative and create options that never exist before. Design thinking is successful because does focus on the needs of the user, it is about understanding the context and the culture to create something that integrates as best. Using direct observation and qualitative data you can produce stories that people can really empathize with or object that people really need.


In his 1969 seminal text on design methods, “The Sciences of the Artificial,” Nobel Prize laureate Herbert Simon outlined one of the first formal models of the Design Thinking process. The model ideate by Simon consists of seven major stages, each with component stages and activities, and was largely influential in shaping some of the most widely used Design Thinking process models today. Many are the variants of the Design Thinking process in use today, and while they may have different numbers of stages ranging from three to seven, they are all based upon the same principles featured in Simon’s 1969 model.


This method is based on a simple process to follow, it starts with learning from people colled empathise phase, second is find patterns or define to better understand what the society or the client wants, then it goes on apply the design principles so that is the ideate part that makes tangible the idea that comes out from all the information picked up before, to conclude with iterate relentlessly that’s prototype and testing.

Unfortunately, I believe that this useful method is not used as much as it should be and many designers, more than what we think, they still don’t know or don’t understand the design thinking method, is also true that this method isn’t working for any kind of design. Design Thinking is actually less about thinking and more about doing. It is not something you have, it is something you do. With digital development life cycles moving faster than ever, it’s incredibly important to put an emphasis on output.


In conclusion, the method used to acchive a final object that it is useful and well thought, the designer has to proceed with a method that could be the Design thinking method or has to follow what the research gives to then proceed in a personal way creating something original that anyway has to have a fundamental rigour. there are no rules to be a designer or a creative but is always better find a method that gives you a guide rail to follow.


Herbert Simon, Sciences of the Artificial (3rd Edition), 1996

Gerd Waloszek, Introduction to Design Thinking, 2012


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