Behind Google

During the lesson, we explore the deep web in the university library website, where we have vast possibilities of browsers to search for our personal knowledge and for doing a better essay. Doing an exercise where everyone had to look at different arguments I understood that every browser has different approach and arguments.

We tried different browsers to do research and explore the deep web. Personally, I used Bridgeman Education, Britannica Image Quest and Wellcome Image that they reveal useful to make a historical research especially Britannica Image Quest. I had the idea that every browser has a different reason to be like Wellcome Image was especially for pictures and articles about medicine.

L0017752 Venus's bathing, a woman swimming in the sea at Margate.

Venus’s Bathing (Margate), By Thomas Rowlandson

Mintel is very open, and you can look in it to download good PDF about your search, In this program is better to use the browser than search with the advanced search.

Yahoo for me was always a bad browser to do research, but it reveals a good one to explore for art and installation. BUFVC is a website to look at historical video and vocals. SurfWax, Treehugger and Credo are used to look at science articles And researchers; Credo is well made it for the quality of the news and information.

The material is one of the best websites to look new materials and find hidden information about the materials around as.

Bob offer a good service recording program like radio or tv, it has a data of tv program and news since 90’s, another website to look at media information is ScreenOnline where you can explore deeper information about films and actors.

The lesson it’s been useful, and it will be substantial when I have to do research. Also, it’s good to know that Google is just a tiny percentage of data online.