Faces Of Design CTS

The designer has a deeper reason than just doing a job.

There are many different kinds of Design, for example, mine area interaction design or experience design, immersive design.


Interaction Design
The practice of design interactive digital products, environments, system and service. Interaction design is a relatively new field, just recently as become a discipline. This kind of design has as a go to reveal and study the relation between the human being and every object in nature or artefact with interest in project new objects to enhance this interaction.
“Communication of media through the cyclical and collaborative process between people and technology.” (Graham,1998)
“Interaction design can be understood in simple (but not simplified) terms: it is the design of the interaction between users and products.” (Interaction Design Foundation,2016)
In definition, interaction design represents a new general approach to planning new interactive solution that can be reassessed and improved.


Experience Design
A design practice focused on social outcomes, in particular, the level of engagement and satisfaction that the user derives from a product or service and the relevance of the experience to their needs and context.
Experiences influences memory, memory, guides future actions; Experience design offers the opportunity to change both of these aspects of ourselves. First, we can affect the outcome at the moment. A great product or service experience seems to make it easy for us to get on and use it. (T. Wood,2016)


Immersive Design
This branch of Design creates experiences instead of things, design principal still applies.
VR, an immersive digital environment, is artificial, is interactive, computer-created world where a user can immerse himself.
One of the most practice used to represent immersive experience is the theatre where every single part of the body gets involved together.


Graham, 1998

Interaction design foundation, 2016

Tom Wood, What is experience design, http://www.foolproof.co.uk/thinking/, 2016

Understanding Research CTS

Researching is a fundamental part to understand the correct way to arrive at a goal fully.

There are so many ways to do research, but they always divide in quantitative or qualitative. Qualitative research is base on theories, and the quantitative is base on math and measures.

I believe that there are no wrong ways to researching, you just have to choose the most enjoyable and faster way to got results.

During the CTS lesson, we had focused on research strategy, ethics, predictive research, pure and applied research, primary and secondary research and we had been asked what research is and why do we research. I understand that is imperative choosing methods, in another world, choosing between do questionnaires, interviews, exploratory research, descriptive research or critical research.
We passed speaking about research and methodologic to talk about our favourite weekly theme, ” time “; Catlin, our tutor, give to ass an asset map to fill with what inspire and what we think about time.
I wrote for the most significant “How time is flowing in our days.”
because I believed that we always want to see the flowing of the time to have control in what we can do during the day; in the less valuable space I wrote: “Time is relative; your perception of time and how you change this attitude.”


We ended the lesson explaining what ethnography, Phenomenology and Practice as research (PaR) is;
Ethnography means recording and analysing a culture or a society usually based on participant-observation and resulting in a written account of people, place or institution.
Phenomenology is the study of the development of human consciousness and self-awareness as a preface to or a part of philosophy (Merriam-webster, 2015).
Practice as research might denote a research process that leads to an arts-related output, an art project as one element of a research process drawing on a range of methods, or a research process entirely framed as artistic practice (University of Manchester, 2016).

The Infinite mix

This contemporary Sound and Image Exhibition is a Hayward Gallery pop-up taking place at the new creative space The Store in Southbank Centre from the 9th September until the 4th December 2016.

I went there the 2nd of November with Piero and Elise from my class in LCC, I never thought that an Exhibition could be that profound in expressing emotions.

The Exhibition consists of 10 soulful audiovisual artworks different in subjects, most of the artist has composed or remixed soundtracks that relate to the visual element of their work in unexpected ways. What you hear is just as important as what you see.

To combine the artful Exhibition, the Place has a neglected look that in some way take part in the exhibition.

I’m going to describe the 3 most interesting workpieces for me:


Thanx 4 Nothing (2015), Ugo Rondinone has created the perfect installation for the legendary beat poet, J. Giorno, performing “THANX 4 NOTHING” written on his 70th birthday. I found the video sequences incredible, it was a full immersion on the poetry of a man telling the truth about life and his meaning.


Everything and More (2015), Rachel Rose has realised this video where a US astronaut, David Wolf, narrates his experience of looking down on Earth from space and the sensory disorientation he experienced on his return. I found the story of D. Wolf transcendent, how he felt when he was back on the heart wasn’t a classic piece.


Nightlife (2015), Cyprien Gaillard has realised a 3D film installation with shots from two years in Cleveland, Los Angeles and Berlin. The film is meditating on how the history can be memorialised by urban or natural landscapes, architecture and public space. The 3D and the light effects play important roles, and the trees movements are poetry verse in slow motion.

It is been a great experience and I believe the exhibition communicates something very precious in a funny and interactive way.